Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Year 2: February Update

I'm going to continue my monthly updates throughout 2018; I'll put a "Year 2" in front of each one since this is the second year of the blog. I know I've been a bit slow to get things posted this year, sorry! While I was hoping to one day make a few bucks from YouTube advertising, new advertising rules this year basically crushed that possibility but I'll keep going. Previously 10,000 total channel views was the requirement and I was around 2,000 after six months. That has since been changed to 1,000 subscribers plus 4,000 hours of content viewed per year I believe. Both of those will be tough for the average person to reach so it would seem ads will be limited to the very popular user channels and those run by companies.

Analysis of YouTube's latest channel advertising requirements.
(This image is from the January 1993 issue of SI for Kids.) 

Something I'll probably expand on for the YouTube channel are the old commercials. They will all be from the '80s and '90s but like the Facebook page, they won't all be related to video games and toys (not finding as many of those as I'd like). I've got so many that I feel as if I should share them. However, I will not share all of them because I think they simply aren't all fun to view. I'm thinking I need to be more selective on the Facebook page and will do the same on YouTube. What I'm leaning toward is food-related products since those are likely what people would enjoy the most, such as commercials about breakfast cereals, snacks, sodas, and fast food restaurants. Maybe various ads that feature celebrities or someone noteworthy will work as well. Facebook will still have more than that but I'm contemplating deleting some of the ads I've already posted to get a bit more focused. I've been scanning Sports Illustrated for Kids most recently and do have a lot of scans piling up so there will be many more updates as I slowly get them posted.
If you saw the post on day one I did have a different
image here but decided to use it for the next post.

I do need to get some more video game magazine articles scanned. Right now I've got one ready to go and that will be for next week to tie into a game release. The Winter Olympics begin this week so I really should try to find some articles or reviews on Olympics games. As I mentioned previously, the plan was to make a video of The Games: Winter Edition but then my Commodore 64 broke and I've not been able to get it fixed yet. There isn't too much else going on as I've not been playing many games this year so nothing to really talk about there. I'll probably take a look at Dynasty Warriors 9 next week and at the end of March I'll be playing Far Cry 5 and should check out MLB: The Show 18. While I enjoyed most of Ni No Kuni, I don't think I'm going to have time for the sequel which also releases near the end of March.

As always, thanks for reading the blog!


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