Monday, September 9, 2024

Dreamcast 25th Anniversary

Five years ago I went all out on Dreamcast coverage for its 20th anniversary in the U.S. and now I don't have a lot leftover that I can post for its 25th anniversary. Of course, it originally launched in 1998 in Japan so today is, again, a U.S. launch anniversary as Sega's final game console debuted here on 9-9-99. I'm going to post a few random scans I didn't use in 2019 and I'll provide links to the 20th anniversary posts below as well. 

From the June 2001 issue of Next Generation magazine is an article about the passing of Isao Okawa. He became president of Sega in 2000 and was the person who made the call to discontinue the Dreamcast, effectively turning Sega into a software-only company. Okawa-san actually wanted Sega to drop hardware before the Saturn launched and helped keep the company afloat using $500 million of his own money. The two other scans are interviews with Peter Moore (then Sega of America president) and Tetsuya Mizuguchi, producer of Space Channel 5 (plus Sega Rally Championship and later Rez).

All the Dreamcast posts from the week of 9-9-19:

If you're a Dreamcast fan and new to the blog, you might also enjoy this post about Shenmue! Lastly, it's worth noting that Limited Run Games announced a variety of Dreamcast merchandise today and has begun taking pre-orders for Dreamcast trading cards.

Monday, September 2, 2024

[YouTube] 1970s/80s Character Cups

As I mentioned in the previous glassware post, I've got a bunch of similar plastic cups too. I know the Child World cup has appeared on the blog previously in the post about toy stores and maybe the G.I. Joe cup has but I can't seem to find a post with it, so maybe not. There are quite a few Disney cups here, many likely purchased at Walt Disney World, however, they could have been available at other stores as well and none have copyrights on them. In the event that you don't watch the video, the western-themed cup with Donald Duck came with a blue hat topper which I couldn't find so I used the mouse ears which is meant for another Disney cup I don't have. Also, many of these were used and went through the dishwasher numerous times. 

Hanna-Barbera's Grape Ape & Snagglepuss (Cookie Crisp, 1979)

Camp Snoopy Collection (McDonald's, 1983)

Kool-Aid (Kraft Foods, 1980s/90s)


SpaghettiOs (Franco-American)

G.I. Joe - Cobra Commander (Maramor Candy Co., 1988)

Masters of the Universe (Burger King/Pepsi, 1985)

Child World/Children's Palace

Saturday, August 31, 2024

[YouTube] 1970s/80s Character Glassware

In the 1970s and '80s glasses were a popular promotion with restaurants and soda companies. This month McDonald's introduced a line of collector's glasses which inspired myself to make this video. I think my family had a few more than what I have to show but some likely broke and others might be in the possession of my parents or sister. Something I forgot to mention in the video is gas stations often had glassware promotions as well, though many of those featured the local sports teams and I'm focusing on movie, cartoon, and other well-known characters here. Also, some of these may have appeared in previous posts/videos.

McDonaldLand Action Series (McDonald's, 1977)

Garfield (McDonald's, 1985)

Looney Tunes (Pepsi, 1979)

Star Wars: A New Hope & Return of the Jedi (Burger King/Coca-Cola, 1977/1983)

Archie (Welch's Jelly, 1973)

Winnie-the-Pooh and Friends (Sears)

E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (Pizza Hut/Pepsi, 1982)