Sunday, June 20, 2021

[YouTube] Die-Cast Cases & Cars

Are you curious about plastic carrying/storage cases for die-cast cars of the '60s, '70s, and '80s? If you're reading this then you must be! I'm being a bit sarcastic as I assume cases aren't too exciting but I've been emptying them as I organize my collection so I decided to share them in a video. Aside from the cases, there are some old cars to see and a bonus from 1995 for Father's Day. Most of the cases and cars in this video are from Matchbox and the image to the right is a Matchbox club offer that was inside the red case. In about a week I should have a video and blog post featuring most of my die-cast vehicles.

Matchbox Cases & Cars

Hot Wheels Case & Cars

Tara Toy Corp. Case & Corgi/Johnny Lightning Vehicles

Father's Day Bonus
At the end of the video are two Hot Wheels Father & Son Collector Packs that were exclusive to Avon in 1995. In each package is a classic car a father might have played with when he was a kid and its 1995 equivalent for their son. The Corvettes are not featured in the video as I stumbled across that one after I finished the video and was finalizing this post.

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