Sunday, December 11, 2022

Toys "R" Us Canada

Last week I visited Canada where Toys "R" Us stores actually still exist so, of course, I checked one out. Back in 2018 when the U.S. stores began closing I wrote The Time of Toy Stores post about that and my time working at a couple stores. There are now Toys "R" Us-branded departments in Macy's stores but it's certainly not the same as wandering around a store overloaded with toys. I took quite a few photos as I covered most of the Oakville, Ontario store and did my best to avoid the customers. These were all taken on a phone which is something I rarely use for photos but I didn't want to stand out carrying my regular camera.


  1. Very happy to see this. It was a sad day when they closed in the US.
    Also good to see so many toys.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for the comment!
