Saturday, March 9, 2019

Gaming Ads: Reality Quest, Red Orb Entertainment, and Backfilling #7

Details  about Reality Quest are tough to come by. All I know is that it created a game controller for the original PlayStation called The Video Game Control Glove. The three ads I've got are for that controller which I've never used. Apparently it is compatible with all games, only requires one hand to use, and offers three button layouts.

Red Orb Entertainment was a division of Broderbund Software created in 1997. While researching the company I learned something I had never realized before: Red Orb spelled backwards is Broder. As I mentioned in the Broderbund ads post, it was acquired in 1998 by The Learning Company which also changed hands a few times, being owned by Mattel Interactive and later Ubisoft. It would appear Red Orb stopped publishing games in 1999.

Between those two companies I've only got five ads so I'm going to add a couple more to Dynamix this week as well. I probably should have done all the backfilling when I moved the ads from Flickr to Facebook but I was trying to get that done as fast as possible.

Realty Quest albums: Facebook - Google Photos
Red Orb Entertainment albums: Facebook - Google Photos

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