Saturday, December 28, 2019

Gaming Ads: U.S. Gold

I did mess up the alphabetical order of the ad posts here as I had the folder labeled without the periods so it ended up at the bottom of the "U" publishers rather than the top.

U.S. Gold was a game publisher founded by Geoff Brown in 1984 and based in England. It would publish more than 300 games during a 12-year span. Geoff Brown also ran the distribution company Centresoft and it would merge with U.S. Gold during the '90s due to financial difficulties to form CentreGold Plc Group. CentreGold acquired developer Core Design in 1994 before Eidos purchased CentreGold in 1996 which is how it became the publisher of the then in-development game Tomb Raider. The last game released under the U.S. Gold name was Olympic Games: Atlanta 1996.

U.S. Gold albums: Facebook - Google Photos

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