Saturday, October 12, 2019

Gaming Ads: Three-Sixty Pacific and Backfilling #11

This is a short ads post and possibly the second to last backfilling for publishers already posted as the end is not far off. I've only got two ads for Three-Sixty Pacific so both are posted below along with more ads for Electronic Arts, Konami of America, and Interplay. The Konami ads are very slight variations on two I already had.

Three-Sixty Pacific was a developer and publisher that specialized in war games and simulations. It is best known for the naval sim series Harpoon and WWII strategy V for Victory games. The company was active from 1987-1994, at which time it ran into financial difficulties and was acquired by Intracorp which ultimately went bankrupt itself two years later.

Three-Sixty Pacific albums: Facebook - Google Photos

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